Country Year 10 Equivalence Year 12 Equivalence
Australia Australian Year 12 Senior Secondary Certificate of Education – satisfactory completion
Argentina Education Polimodal (General Education or Integrated technical education) / General
or bachillerato school/technical and specialised school (Completion of Year 10 or Year 11)
Bachillerato/Tecnico de Nivel Medio/Bachillerato Especializado
Bangladesh Secondary School Certificate – pass(DIBP requires completion of Year 11) Higher Secondary Certificate/vocational higher secondary certificate (Minimum CGPA is 3.5 or 60% in HSC/First Division pass) GCE A-Level (2 passes)
Bhutan Bhutan Middle Secondary School Certificate Bhutan Higher Secondary School Certificate
or Middle Secondary School Certificate plus 2 year relevant vocational diploma
Brazil Certificado de Ensino Medio (Year 10 or Year 11 equivalent) Certificado /diploma de Ensino Medio (Year 12 equivalent)
Brunei GCE O-Levels with 4 passes Brunei Cambridge General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (Brunei-Cambridge A level) – 2 passes
Cambodia DIBP requires completion of Year 11 for student visa Diploma of Upper Secondary Education/Baccalaurate
Canada Successful completion of Grade 11 High School Diploma
Chile Educacion Media (Year 10 or Year 11 equivalent) Licencia de Educación Media (Certificate of Secondary Education Certificate) Tecnico-Profesional or Tecnico
China Senior Middle 2
(DIBP requires completion of Year 11)
General Senior Secondary Unified Graduation (Certificate of Graduation
Columbia Bachillerato Upper Secondary Schooling (Year 11 equivalent)(DIBP requires completion of Year 11) Bachillerato (Secondary School Certificate)
Cuba Secundari Basica/Basic Secondary (Completion of Year 11) Diploma de Bachiller en Ciencias y Letras/Título de Bachiller (nivel medio superior de la Education General Politecnica Laboral)
– Certificado de Fin de Estudios Secundarias/Técnico Medio/Maestro Primario, etc. (Certificado de Fin de Estudios Secundarias)
Czech Republic Maturita (Matriculation Certificate)/School Leaving Certificate
Denmark Studentereksamensbevis (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate)
Egypt General Secondary Education Certificate, Al-Azhar Secondary
Education Certificate, Technical Secondary Education Certificate, Commercial Secondary Certificate or the Agriculture Secondary Certificate
Fiji Fiji Form 7 Examination/Fiji School Leaving Certificate (FSLC)
Finland Ylioppilastutkintotodistus (Certificate of Matriculation) Secondary School Leaving Certificate
France Brevet fundamentals Baccalaureat/
Brevet professionelles
Germany Realshule or Hauptschule Achgebundene Hochschulreife/Fachgebundene Hochschulreife (Leaving Certificate) or Zeugnis der Reife or Reifezeugnis or Abitur or Fachhochschulreife
Greece Apolytirio Lykeiou (Leaving certificate)
Hong Kong Secondary 4 or Secondary 5 or Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) or Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination (HKALE)
Hungary Gimnaziumi Erettsegi Bizonyitvany, / Gymnasium Maturity Certificate
India All Indian Secondary School Certificate, Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE SX) Secondary Certification, GCE O-Levels (4 passes) DIBP requires completion of Year 11
for student visa
All India Senior School Certificate or Indian School Certificate or Certificate of Vocational Education or Senior Secondary Certificate or State Boards of Secondary/Senior Secondary Education certificates, GCE A-Levels (2 passes)
Indonesia Secondary School:SMU 3 or SMK 3 Certificate of Completion of Senior Secondary Education (Ijazah/STTB SMA/STTB SMK) or Certificate of
Graduation (SKHUN)
Ireland GCE O-Levels (4 passes) Leaving Certificate/GCE A Levels (2 passes)
Israel Teudat Bagrut (High School Certificate)
Italy Diploma di scuola secondaria di primo grado Diploma di Superamento dell’Esame di Stato conclusivo dei Corsi di Istruzione Secondaria Superiore (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate) or Diploma of State Examination
Japan Completion of Kotogakko Year 1 Lower Secondary Leaving Certificate Upper Secondary School Certificate of Graduation (Kotogakko Sotsugyo Shosho)
Jordan Twajihi (General Secondary Education Certificate)
Kenya GCE O-Levels (4 passes) DIBP requires completion of Year 11 for student visa Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) or GCE A level – 2 passes
Lebanon 1st year completion of General SecondarySchool/Technical Secondary School DIBP requires completion of Year 11 for student visa Baccalaureat Libanaise (Baccalaureat 2) or Baccalaureat Technique/ Technicien or Certificat Professione/ de Maltrise/Technicien
Macau GSE O-Levels (4 passes), Senior Secondary School Diploma (Year 11) or Form 5 Senior Secondary School Diploma Year 12, or GCE A Level – 2 passes, or Form 6
Malaysia SPM or GCE O-Levels (4 passes) or Senior Middle 2 STPM Senior Secondary Certificate of Education or GCE A Levels – 2 passes , UEC
Mauritius GCE O-levels (4 subject passes) GCE A-level – 2 passes
Mexico Certificado de Educacion Secundaria (Certificate of Secondary Education) 2-3 year Preparatoria or Bachillerato program
Mayanmar Matriculation/Basic Education High School (BEHS) (Completion of Year 10 or Year 11) 45% or higher or GCE O – Level (4 subject passes)(DIBP requires completion of Year 11) Matriculation/Basic Education High School (BEHS) plus minimum completed 2 years at Professional College or Secondary Technical College or
GCE A- Level (2 subject passes) or A level (1 A and 2 AS level passes)
Nepal Completion of Higher Secondary Education Board Certificate, DIBP requires completion of Year 11 for student visa Higher Secondary Education Board Certificate (Grade 12)
New Zealand National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) – Level 3, minimum 60 credits
Netherlands Voorbereidend wetenschappelljk onderwijs (Diploma VWO) or Hoger algemeen voortgezet onderwijs Diploma HAVO)
Nigeria Senior Secondary School (WAEC/NECO) examinations pass grade, GCE O-Levels (4 subject passes) Senior Secondary School (WAEC/NECO) examinations (5 subjects passes C grade average) GCE A Levels (2 passes)
Norway Vitnemal fra den videregaende skolen (Certificate from upper secondary school)
Oman School Leaving Certificate
Pakistan Secondary School Certificate DIBP requires completion of Year 11 for student visa Higher Secondary School Certificate/Intermediate Certificate
Papa New Guinea Higher School Certificate
Peru Secundaria / Education Secundaria (Completion of Year 11) Certificado de Educación Secundaria Común Completa (Secondary Common Education Graduation Certificate) plus a Technical Diploma or entrance to University
Phillippines High School Diploma or National College Entrance Examination (NCEE) + one year of Bachelor Degree (DIBP requires completion of Year 11) High School Diploma or a Certificate of Graduation + two years of bachelor degree
Poland Matura Swiadectwo Dojrzalosci Liceum Ogolnoksztalcacego (Certificate of Matriculation of the General Lyceum)
Portugal Certificado de Fim de Estudios Secundarios or Diploma de 12 Ano de Escolaridad (Secondary Certificate)
Russia Attestat o Srednem (polnom) Obshchem Obrazovanii (Certificate of Secondary (Complete) General Education)
Saudi Arabia Shahadat al-thanawiyyah al-‘aama or shahadat al-marhalat al-thanawiyyat (General Secondary Education Certificate) Form 7 or University Foundation Year
Singapore GCE 0-Levels (4 subject passes) GCE A-levels – 2 passes
Slovakia Maturitni Vysvedceni/Maturitnej Vysvedcenie (Matriculation Certificate
Slovenia Spričevalo o poklicni mature or Spričevalo o poklicni mature or Svidetelstov zo polozen zavresen
South Africa National Senior Certificate / Senior Certificate Year 11/10 National Senior Certificate (Year12) Senior Certificate (Year 12) GCE A-Levels 2 Passes, International Baccalaureate Diploma
South Korea Completion of Senior High School Grade 1 or equivalent General/Academic Senior High School Certificate/Diploma (Immumgye Kodung Hakkyo Choeupchang
Spain Titulo de Bachiller
Sri Lanka Sri Lankan GCE O-Levels (4 subject passes) DIBP requires completion of Year 11 for student visa GCE A-levels – 2 passes
Sweeden Slutbetyg Från Gymnasieskola
Switzerland Federal Maturity Certificate/ Maturitätszeugnis, Certificat de Maturité/ Attestato di Maturità
Taiwan Senior High School (1st or 2nd Year) Senior High School Diploma or Senior Vocational School Diploma
Thailand Upper Secondary School (Matayom 5/ Matayom 4) Matayom 6 or MS 6. (Certificate of Secondary Education)
Turkey Lise Diplomasi (Secondary School Diploma) Technical or Vocational School Diploma (Teknik or Meslek Lise Diplomasi)
United Arab Emirates Tawjihiyya or Thanawiyya Al-A’ama (General Secondary Certificate), Technical Secondary School Certificate, Commercial Secondary School Certificate or Certificate from an Agriculture Institute
UK GCE O-Levels (4 subject passes) GCE A-Levels (2 subject passes)
Venezuela Educacion Media (10 years of secondary schooling minimum) Educacion Media – Academic or Tecnico (Medio), Bachillor
Vietnam Upper Secondary schooling (Year 10 or 11 equivalent) (DIBP requires completion of Year 11) Bang Tot nghiep Trung hoc Pho thong (Upper Secondary Education Graduation Diploma)
Zambia ZSC Year 12 (4 passes) GCE O Levels (4 passes) ZSC Year 12 (5 subject passes C grade or better) GCE A-Levels (2 subject passes) or A-levels 1 A and 2 AS level passes or Diploma in relevant area (1 year minimum)
Zimbabwe Zimbabwe General Certificate of Education (ZGCE) GSE O-Levels (4 subject passes) Zimbabwe General Certificate of Education at Advanced Levels (A Levels)– 2 passes, or International Baccalaureate Diploma

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