
Diploma of Business

CRICOS Code 110066M

Course Overview

The Diploma of Business course is suited to individuals who have the passion to increase their opportunities in business, including small business owners, entrepreneurs and new entrants to the corporate business pathway. The Diploma of Business is also a great pathway to further University studies. The Diploma of Business can help you get ahead in a variety of fields including marketing, human resources, HR and finance. This course will give you the skills and knowledge to run your own business or for roles in business administration, HR, marketing, operations, project work and more. The Diploma of Business will increase your skills in the areas of:

Delivery Options


Qualification Level Diploma
Pre-requisites / Entry Conditions Over 17 years old, not attending secondary school.
Achieve Exit Level 3 Reading and Level 3 Numeracy in LLN assessment provided after enrolment.
May be asked to provide year 12 or Cert IV or higher qualification certificate.
Nominal Duration 12 months (course length may be adjusted depending upon student progression/needs)
Attendance 2 - 3 days per week
Assessment Methods Short Answer Questions, Case Studies, Role Plays, Projects
Delivery Method Face to Face
Course Materials All course materials are included

Qualification Level Diploma
Pre-requisites / Entry Conditions Over 17 years old, not attending secondary school.
Achieve Exit Level 3 Reading and Level 3 Numeracy in LLN assessment provided after enrolment.
May be asked to provide year 12 or Cert IV or higher qualification certificate.
Nominal Duration 12 months (course length may be adjusted depending upon student progression/needs)
Attendance Online. This is a full-time course that requires students to commit to 20-30 hours of study per week
Assessment Methods Short Answer Questions, Case Studies, Role Plays, Projects
Delivery Method Online. Online tutorials optional but highly recommended
Course Materials All course materials are included

Location Spring Hill, QLD
Qualification Level Diploma
Entry Conditions IELTS 5.5 or equivalent English language test result or Completion of 12-week Strategix IELTS Preparation program Year 12 equivalent (high School Graduate Certificate)
Nominal Duration 12 months incl. vocational placement (course length may be adjusted depending upon student progression/needs)
Attendance 2 - 3 days per week at our International Campus located in Spring Hill, Brisbane, QLD
Assessment Methods Short Answer Questions, Case Studies, Role Plays, Projects, Skills Observations, Vocational Placement
Delivery Method Face to Face learning + vocational placement
Course Materials All course materials are included
Vocational Placement Minimum 100 hours vocational placement required at a relevant workplace. Placement may be voluntary work or paid employment in a relevant role.

Payment Options


VET Student Loans An income contingent loan that you pay back when you earn over the threshold which is assessed each financial year
Payment Plan Payment Plans starting from $105.53 per week
Full Fee $10,500


VET Student Loans An income contingent loan that you pay back when you earn over the threshold which is assessed each financial year
Payment Plan Payment Plans starting from $105.53 per week
Full Fee $10,500


Tuition Fee $10,500
Materials Fee $200
Enrolment Fee $250 non-refundable


BSBTWK503Manage meetings
BSBSTR402Implement continuous improvement
BSBOPS504Manage business risk
BSBESB401Research and develop business plans
BSBPMG430Undertake project work
BSBMKG541Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities
BSBFIN501Manage budgets and financial plans
BSBSUS511Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability
BSBOPS404Implement customer service strategies
BSBOPS501Manage business resources
BSBXCM501Lead communication in the workplace
BSBCRT511Develop critical thinking in others

Upcoming Intakes

Start Date: 30/09/2024
COL - DIP Business - Spring Hill (QLD) - 30 Sep 2024 (Mon-Tue) UOS 3.2

Start Date: 04/11/2024
COL - DIP Business - Spring Hill (QLD) - 4 Nov 2024 (Mon-Tue) UOS 4.1

Start Date: 07/10/2024
COL - DIP Business - Online - 7 Oct 2024

Start Date: 14/10/2024
COL - DIP Business - Online - 14 Oct 2024

Start Date: 21/10/2024
COL - DIP Business - Online - 21 Oct 2024

Start Date: 28/10/2024
COL - DIP Business - Online - 28 Oct 2024

Start Date: 04/11/2024
COL - DIP Business - Online - 4 Nov 2024

Start Date: 11/11/2024
COL - DIP Business - Online - 11 Nov 2024

Start Date: 18/11/2024
COL - DIP Business - Online - 18 Nov 2024

Start Date: 25/11/2024
COL - DIP Business - Online - 25 Nov 2024

Start Date: 02/12/2024
COL - DIP Business - Online - 2 Dec 2024

Start Date: 09/12/2024
COL - DIP Business - Online - 9 Dec 2024

Start Date: 16/12/2024
COL - DIP Business - Online - 16 Dec 2024


Please contact [email protected] for more information on upcoming course options

Start Date: 30/09/2024
COL - DIP Business - Spring Hill (QLD) - 30 Sep 2024 (Mon-Tue) UOS 3.2

Send email
Start Date: 04/11/2024
COL - DIP Business - Spring Hill (QLD) - 4 Nov 2024 (Mon-Tue) UOS 4.1

Send email

Upcoming Intakes

Start Date Details Enrol
30/09/2024 COL - DIP Business - Spring Hill (QLD) - 30 Sep 2024 (Mon-Tue) UOS 3.2
04/11/2024 COL - DIP Business - Spring Hill (QLD) - 4 Nov 2024 (Mon-Tue) UOS 4.1

Details Enrol
COL - DIP Business - Online - 7 Oct 2024
COL - DIP Business - Online - 14 Oct 2024
COL - DIP Business - Online - 21 Oct 2024
COL - DIP Business - Online - 28 Oct 2024
COL - DIP Business - Online - 4 Nov 2024
COL - DIP Business - Online - 11 Nov 2024
COL - DIP Business - Online - 18 Nov 2024
COL - DIP Business - Online - 25 Nov 2024
COL - DIP Business - Online - 2 Dec 2024
COL - DIP Business - Online - 9 Dec 2024
COL - DIP Business - Online - 16 Dec 2024


Please contact [email protected] for more information on upcoming course options

Start Date Details Enrol
30/09/2024 COL - DIP Business - Spring Hill (QLD) - 30 Sep 2024 (Mon-Tue) UOS 3.2 Send email
04/11/2024 COL - DIP Business - Spring Hill (QLD) - 4 Nov 2024 (Mon-Tue) UOS 4.1 Send email

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