
Diploma of Nursing

CRICOS Code 112351A

Course Overview

The Strategix Diploma of Nursing program is accredited with the Australian Nursing & Midwifery Accreditation Council [ANMAC] and is aligned with the current Australian professional nursing standards of practice. It provides the clinical skills and knowledge to graduate high quality practitioners and gives the skills to perform clinical assessments, contribute to the nursing care of people with acute and chronic conditions, research and apply evidence to practice, and provide and monitor treatment.

Successful completion of the Diploma of Nursing will qualify you to seek registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia to become an Enrolled Nurse.

Qualified nurses are increasingly in high demand, with 80% of graduates gaining employment soon after the completion of their course. Become part of this rewarding and challenging industry. Change the course of your life and increase your skills in the areas of:

Student Testimonial

Delivery Options


Qualification Level Diploma
Pre-Requisites / Entry Conditions Must be 18 years or over, not attending secondary school. Candidates must complete a language, literacy and numeracy assessment as part of their application and achieve an exit level of 3 or higher. A year 12 certificate or completion of a Certificate 4 or higher may also assist your application. Attending a course information session is highly advisable.
Nominal Duration 18 months face-to-face, including 400 hours of professional experience placement.
Attendance 3 days per week.
Assessment Methods Short answer questions, case studies, simulated health care scenarios, projects, skills observations and professional experience placement.
Delivery Method Face-to-face theory and simulation classes, online learning materials and tutorials, and professional experience placement in non-acute and acute facilities.
Course Materials Students will be provided with access to an online library of texbooks and journals through Elsevier Clinkey Key and online theory resources created by Strategix. These are included as part of the course fees.

Additional textbooks, uniforms, and other materials required to be purchased by the student:

There are 4 mandatory textbooks required which can be purchased from the Queensland Textbook Warehouse during orientation. The cost is approximately $330.

The uniform includes a minimum of 2 polo shirts (available via shop.strategix.edu.au). Students are also required to wear black trousers or skirt, black socks and comfortable black waterproof shoes which can be purchased anywhere. The use of a nurses fob watch with second hand is also advised. Full uniform is required on all placement shifts and each week in the simulation lab.

Please note: tracksuit pants, shorts/skorts, long sleeve undershirts, and acrylic/gel nails are not permitted as part of the uniform due to WHS and infection control policies. Likewise, on placement and in the simulation lab, hair below the collar must be tied up and all jewelry removed [exception is a plain wedding band].
Professional Experience Placement A minimum of 400 hours of placement is required as part of this qualification and is completed at the end of each semester of study. Students must provide evidence of their National Police Check, NDIS clearance, Working with Children Card (Blue card), and immunisation records for placement. Following the Covid-19 pandemic, placement organisations may also require evidence of FIT mask testing which Strategix will organise. Placement will be organised by Strategix.

Location Spring Hill, QLD
Qualification Level Diploma
Pre-Requisites / Entry Conditions Must be 18 years or over and an International Student on a student visa (subclass 500). Have a minimum band score of IELTS 7.0 (PTE 65) or equivalent English language test result. Students must also meet the Genuine Temporary Entrance (GTE) requirements, financial commitment and security requirements and have a course suitability interview.
Nominal Duration 18 months face-to-face, including 400 hours professional experience placement.
Attendance 3 days per week.
Assessment Methods Short answer questions, case studies, simulated health care scenarios, projects, skills observations and professional experience placement.
Delivery Method Face-to-face theory and simulation classes, online learning materials and tutorials, and professional experience placement in non-acute and acute facilities.
Course Materials As part of the materials fees, international students will receive all hard copy and online text books and learning materials required for the course.

Full uniform is required on all placement shifts and each week in the simulation lab. The uniform consists of black trousers or skirt, block socks, comfortable black waterproof shoes and a Strategix Nursing polo shirt. The use of a nurses fob watch with second hand is also advised. 2 polo shirts are included in the material fees but all other items are provided by the student at their own expense.

Please note: tracksuit pants, shorts/skorts, long sleeve undershirts, and acrylic/gel nails are not permitted as part of the uniform due to WHS and infection control policies. Likewise, on placement and in the simulation lab, hair below the collar must be tied up and all jewelry removed [exception is a plain wedding band].
Professional Experience Placement A minimum of 400 hours of placement is required as part of this qualification and is completed at the end of each semester of study. Students must provide evidence of their National Police Check, NDIS clearance, Working with Children Card (Blue card), and immunisation records for placement. Following the Covid-19 pandemic, placement organisations may also require evidence of FIT mask testing which Strategix will organise. Placement will be organised by Strategix.

Payment Options


VET Student Loans VET Student Loans is an income contingent loan of up to $18,837 that is paid back when you earn over the threshold. This is assessed each financial year by the ATO. You may be eligible for VET student Loans. Please enquire for more details.
Payment Plan Payment plans starting from $72 per week.
Full Fee $24,450


Tuition Fee $23,500
Materials Fee $1,800
Enrolment Fee $500 non-refundable
Placement Fee $4,000


Semester 1

HLTAAP002 Confirm physical health status
HLTAAP003 Analyse and respond to client health information
HLTAID011 Provide first aid
HLTENN036 Apply communication skills in nursing practice
HLTENN037 Perform clinical assessment and contribute to planning nursing care
HLTENN038 Implement, monitor and evaluate nursing care
HLTENN041 Apply legal and ethical parameters to nursing practice
HLTENN045 Implement and monitor care of the older person
HLTINF006 Apply basic principles and practices of infection prevention and control
HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care
Placement 80 hours over 2 weeks of non-acute Professional Experience Placement (PEP) completed at the end of the semester (1). Must be completed successfully for progression to semester 2. PEP is unpaid. Missed shifts must be supported with a medical certificate. Any requirement for make-up shifts to ensure the minimum total placement hours is achieved or for the entire 2 week placement block to be repeated will be at the student’s expense at a charge of $150 per shift/per day.

Semester 2

CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety
HLTENN035 Practise nursing within the Australian health care system
HLTENN039 Apply principles of wound management
HLTENN040 Administer and monitor medicines and intravenous therapy
HLTENN043 Implement and monitor care for a person with acute health conditions
HLTENN044 Implement and monitor care for a person with chronic health conditions
Placement 160 hours over 4 weeks of sub-acute Professional Experience Placement (PEP) completed at the end of the semester (2). Must be completed successfully for progression to semester 3. PEP is unpaid. Missed shifts must be supported with a medical certificate. Any requirement for make-up shifts to ensure the minimum total placement hours is achieved or for the entire 4 week placement block to be repeated will be at the student’s expense at a charge of $150 per shift/per day.

Semester 3

HLTENN057 Contribute to the nursing care of a person with diabetes
HLTENN040 Administer and monitor medicines and intravenous therapy
CHCPOL003 Research and apply evidence to practice
HLTENN042 Implement and monitor care for a person with mental health conditions
HLTENN047 Apply nursing practice in the primary health care setting
HLTENN068 Provide end of life care using a palliative approach in nursing practice
HLTINF007 Implement and monitor infection prevention and control standards, policies and procedures
HLTWHS006 Manage personal stressors in the work environment
Placement 160 hours over 4 weeks of acute Professional Experience Placement (PEP) completed at the end of the semester (3). PEP is unpaid. All placement must be completed successfully for completion of the course. Missed shifts must be supported with a medical certificate. Any requirement for make-up shifts to ensure the minimum total placement hours is achieved or for the entire 4 week placement block to be repeated will be at the student’s expense at a charge of $150 per shift/per day.

Upcoming Intakes

Start Date: 03/10/2024
COL - DIP Early Childhood - Spring Hill (QLD) - 03 OCT 2024 (Thu-Fri) UOS 4.1

Start Date: 13/11/2024
COL - DIP Early Childhood - Spring Hill (QLD) - 13 NOV 2024 (Thu-Fri) UOS 4.2

Start Date: 16/01/2025
COL - DIP Early Childhood - Spring Hill (QLD) - 16 JAN 2025 (Thu-Fri) UOS 3.1

Start Date: 27/02/2025
COL - DIP Early Childhood - Brisbane (QLD) - 27 FEB 2025 (Thu-Fri) UOS 1.2

Start Date: 14/04/2025
COL - DIP Early Childhood - Brisbane (QLD) - 15 APR 2025 (Mon-Tue) UOS 2.1

Start Date: 17/04/2025
COL - DIP Early Childhood - Brisbane (QLD) - 17 APR 2025 (Thu-Fri) UOS 2.1

Start Date: 28/04/2025
COL - DIP Early Childhood Education and Care - Rockingham (WA) - 28 Apr 2025 (Mon-Tues) UOS 2.1

Start Date: 30/04/2025
COL - DIP Early Childhood Education and Care - Rockingham (WA) - 30 Apr 2025 (Wed-Thurs) UOS2.1


Please contact international@strategix.edu.au for more information on upcoming course options

Start Date: 03/10/2024
COL - DIP Early Childhood - Spring Hill (QLD) - 03 OCT 2024 (Thu-Fri) UOS 4.1

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Start Date: 13/11/2024
COL - DIP Early Childhood - Spring Hill (QLD) - 13 NOV 2024 (Thu-Fri) UOS 4.2

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Start Date: 16/01/2025
COL - DIP Early Childhood - Spring Hill (QLD) - 16 JAN 2025 (Thu-Fri) UOS 3.1

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Upcoming Intakes

Start Date Details Apply
25/09/2024 COL - DIP Nursing - Spring Hill (QLD) - 25 Sep 2024 (Wed - Fri) UOS1
13/01/2025 COL - DIP Nursing - Spring Hill (QLD) - 6 Jan 2025 (Mon - Wed) UOS1
09/04/2025 COL - DIP Nursing - Brisbane (QLD) - 2 April 2025 (Wed - Thu) UOS1


Please contact international@strategix.edu.au for more information on upcoming course options

Start Date Details Apply
25/09/2024 COL - DIP Nursing - Spring Hill (QLD) - 25 Sep 2024 (Wed - Fri) UOS1 Send email
13/01/2025 COL - DIP Nursing - Spring Hill (QLD) - 6 Jan 2025 (Mon - Wed) UOS1 Send email

Entry Conditions

Information Sessions

Information sessions are highly recommended for individuals who have already enrolled or are thinking of enrolling in the Diploma of Nursing program. The sessions are held at our Spring Hill Campus and offer opportunities for attendees to tour the campus, gain deeper insights into the course, and receive information about immunization and government regulations. Attendees will also learn about the responsibilities of being an enrolled nurse and the significance of holding a registration.

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General Requirements

Entry Requirements:

  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Must complete a government-approved language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) test, with a pass at minimum exit level 3 in all areas. Year 12 completion certificate and certificate level 4 qualifications will also be considered for application.  International students must provide evidence prior to enrolment that they have achieved:
    • A minimum overall band score of 7 in academic IELTS (with no individual band score less than 7.0), or equivelent PTE or TOEFL scores
  • Provide evidence of the following before starting professional experience placement:
    • National Police Clearance Check
    • Working with Children Check
    • NDIS Check.
  • Provide immunisation and vaccination evidence no later than the commencement of Term 2 (Semester 1) for Hepatitis B, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Polio, Meningococcal, Varicella (Chicken Pox), MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella), Pertussis (Whooping cough), Seasonal vaccinations (Influenza) and COVID-19: Two vaccinations and a booster.
  • Students are invited to attend an information session prior to commencement, to see the campus and understand the course requirements and the requirements of registration as an enrolled nurse.

In addition, international students must also meet:

  • Genuine Temporary Entrance (GTE) requirements
  • Financial commitment and security
  • Specific course requirements (pre-requisites)
  • Course suitability and fit for the individual (inherent requirements).
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Literacy Requirements

Domestic students must provide:

  • Results from an AQSF test completed within 6 months of enrolling into the course (exit level 3 in all areas), Providers include CSPA, BKSB, LLN Robot, (Strategix will provide the test if required).
  • Senior Secondary Certificate of Education that has been awarded to the student by an agency or authority of a State or Territory for the student’s completion of year 12 in Australia, will also be considered along with,
  • A student’s statement of results or outcome of an approved assessment tool displaying competence in the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF), OR
  • A certificate that a qualification at level 4 or above in the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) has been awarded to the student, or at a level in a framework that preceded the AQF (refer clarification below) that is equivalent to level 4 or above in the AQF. This certificate must be a document issued by a body registered to award the qualification in the AQF in Australia, OR
  • A letter or certificate issued by a Federal, State or Territory government agency determining an overseas qualification to be equivalent or comparable to a qualification in the AQF at level 4 or above.

International students must achieve:

  • A minimum band score of 7 in academic IELTS (with no individual band score less than 7.0) OR
  • 65 in PTE, with no communicative score less than 65 in each skill i.e. listening, reading, writing and speaking, OR
  • 237 in TOEFL.

Additionally, as per Standard 6.1, all students:

  • Are required by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) to provide a formal English language skills test when applying for registration. This will demonstrate they have achieved the NMBA-specified level of English language skills, prior to commencing the program.

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Inherent Requirements

Behavioural Stability

Students should demonstrate behavioural stability and work constructively in a diverse and changing academic and clinical environment. Nursing students will be exposed to emergency situations and human suffering and will be required to have behavioural stability and emotional maturity to manage these events.

Cognitive Skills and Knowledge 

Safe and effective delivery of nursing care is based on comprehensive knowledge that must be sourced, understood and applied appropriately. Students must be able to locate appropriate and relevant information, and process, integrate and apply this information to their practice.

Communication Skills 

Effective and efficient verbal communication in English is an essential requirement to provide safe delivery of care. Students must demonstrate:
  • The ability to understand and respond to verbal communication accurately, appropriately and in a timely manner
  • The ability to provide clear instructions in the context of the situation
  • Timely and clear feedback and reporting
  • The ability to communicate with empathy and respect, and develop relationships of trust
  • Timely, accurate and effective delivery of instructions.
Students must also demonstrate the capacity to construct coherent written communication appropriate to the situation, including accurate, clear and concise record keeping and patient notes that meet professional standards. This is vital to providing safe and constant patient care.
Non-verbal communication is also fundamental to nursing. Students must be:
  • Aware of appropriate and constant expressions, eye contact and gestures, being mindful of personal boundaries to promote trust and professional relationships
  • Able to recognise, interpret and respond appropriately to behavioural cues
  • Sensitive to individual and cultural differences.

Ethical Behaviour

Enrolled Nursing is a profession governed by NMBA Professional codes and guidelines, including: Nurses are both accountable and responsible for ensuring professional behaviour in all situations to ensure the physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual wellbeing of patients. Students should:
  • Demonstrate appropriate behaviour with confidential information in classroom, simulation sessions and professional experience placements
  • Demonstrate the ability to reflect on ethical dilemmas and issues and take responsibility for ensuring awareness of ethical behaviour.

Strength and Mobility

Nursing involves physical demands requiring strength, mobility and fine and gross motor skills. Nursing tasks require the ability to coordinate and prioritise care, including lifting, carrying, pushing, pulling, standing, twisting and bending.

Visual Acuity, Auditory and Tactile Skills

Nursing tasks require students to possess adequate auditory, visual and tactile abilities. Visual observations, examination and auditory assessments and observations are vital to safe nursing practice to accurately identify and assess patient needs and medication requirements. Tactile skills are also required to assess and detect physical characteristics such as temperature, pulse, palpitation and anatomical abnormalities.

Sustainable Performance

Nursing practice requires both physical and mental performance such as sustained physical energy to complete tasks in a timely manner, the ability to perform repetitive activities with a level of concentration and focus, and the ability to maintain consistency and quality of performance over time.
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Payment Options

Payment Plan

As an alternative to paying the full fee upfront, students may be eligible for a payment plan to pay the fees over the course of study.

Upfront Payment

This may be the full fee for the course or the unit of study fees (semester fees) prior to the commencement of each semester.

VET Student Loan - $18,837 cap ($6,279 per unit of study/semester)

This is a loan from the Australian Government that provides eligible students access to capped funds to help pay for their studies. If you're eligible for VET Student Loans you can defer a portion of your tuition fees to VET Student Loans and then pay the remaining fees upfront or on a payment plan.

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Transition Statement

As part of our commitment to delivering quality and current training, some of our training products will undergo an update from time to time. To view the latest information on all qualifications currently being updated please click here