VET Student Loans is a government loan available to help eligible students pay their tuition fees. The loan is issued by the Australian Government to make higher education more accessible, by removing the burden of upfront tuition fees.
VET Student Loans allows you to study now and pay later when you’re earning sufficient income to do so. The VET Student Loans program replaces the old VET FEE-HELP for new students commencing a course after 1 Jan 2017.
You may be eligible for VET Student Loans if you meet all of the following requirements:
VET student loans will not be approved for students who do not meet eligibility requirements. A VET student loan gives rise to a HELP debt that continues to be a debt due to the Commonwealth until it is repaid. For more information on VET Student Loans and eligibility view the fact sheets on the Department of Education and Training website
The combined HELP loan limit is a cap on what you can borrow from the Australian Government to cover the costs of your tuition fees. For 2020, the HELP loan limit is $106,319 for most students. For more information on the HELP loan limit visit
There are no interest charged on HELP debts. The HELP debt is, however, indexed each year. it increases annually to maintain its real value, adjusting in line with changes in the cost of living.
Although the loan does not incur any interest, a 20 per cent loan fee applies to all full fee paying students. A VET Student Loan gives rise to a HELP debt that continues to be a debt due to the Commonwealth until it is repaid.
How is a VET Student Loan repaid? The Australian Government pays the amount of the loan direct to a student’s provider for tuition fees. Students make repayments on their loans through the Australian Taxation System for each financial year they earn over the threshold. The threshold changes each year. For the 2020-21 financial year the threshold is $46,620. The amount you repay each year is calculated as a percentage of your repayment income. It increases and decreases with your income. The repayments range from a minimum of 1% to a maximum of 10% per annum of your taxable income. For years in which you earn under the repayment threshold there are no mandatory repayments.
For example: If your loan is $5,000, and your taxable income is $60,000 in one financial year, you will make a repayment equal to 2.5% of $60,000. This means you will make a total repayment of $1,500 leaving a loan balance of $3,500 which will be paid in subsequent years. Students can also elect to make voluntary repayments to pay off their loan sooner.
A VET Student Loan may, until the debt is repaid, reduce a student's take-home (after-tax) wage or salary and may reduce the student's borrowing capacity. Students may wish to seek independent financial advice before applying for a loan.
For more information read the fact sheets Department of Education and Training website
The Australian Government has limited the courses and number of VET student loan eligible places. If you find a course that suits your career goals and would like to use VET Student Loans to cover your tuition fees we would encourage you to complete your enrolment as soon as possible to avoid any disappointment of missing out.
After completing the enrolment form one of our friendly staff members will contact you to discuss all aspects of your course enrolment. If you are eligible for VET student loans and meet the minimum entry requirements you will be required to complete an electronic Commonwealth Assistance Form (eCAF). The eCAF confirms that you would like to use a VET student loan and links your Tax File Number to your enrolment with Strategix. This form must be completed prior to your first census date.
Students utilising VET Student Loans may be required to complete an online progression form at various points during their enrolment and to be actively engaged in the course. Not doing so may result in your enrolment being cancelled. The online progression forms inform the Australian Government that you would like to continue to use the VET student loan to pay your tuition fees.
If you have any further questions or need some additional help please don’t hesitate to contact us, and we will be happy to assist you.
Below are the courses with VET Student Loan places and additional payment methods.
To receive continued access to VET Student Loans for the entire course, you must be considered a genuine student for the duration of your studies. Factors determining genuineness include but are not limited to; class attendance, submitted assessments, logins, communication with Strategix. Students who are determine to be disengaged or not genuine may be withdrawn from the course. In the event that Strategix withdraws a student, the student will have no less than 28 days to respond before the cancellation takes effect.
Students utilising VET Student Loans may also be required to verify and confirm their enrolment to the Department of Education. This will be done through online progression forms that will be sent to you at various times during your enrolment. Students must also be actively engaged in the course. Not doing so may result in your enrolment being cancelled.
Diploma of Leadership and Management
Diploma of Business
Diploma of Youth Work
Diploma of Community Services
Diploma of Counselling
Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care