
VET Student Loans

Study Now, Pay Later

Strategix is an approved VET Student Loans Provider. Through VET Student Loans you can enrol in our diploma level courses and gain assistance to help pay for your course of study. No upfront fees, why wait? Study now and pay later. Eligibility criteria applies. View More…

Certificate 3 Guarantee

Subsidised training for Queenslanders

Through the Certificate 3 Guarantee program, eligible Queenslanders have access to government subsidised training places at certificate III level. Take advantage of this initiative of the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training Queensland. Eligibility criteria applies. View More…

Higher Level Skills - QLD

Certificate IV subsidised training for Queenslanders

Through the Higher Level Skills program, eligible Queenslanders have access to government subsidised training places for certificate IV or above qualifications. Take advantage of this initiative of the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training Queensland. Eligibility criteria applies. View More…

User Choice - QLD

Subsidised training for Queenslanders

User Choice funding is available to Queensland companies who train their new entrant workers. A new entrant is an employee who has been employed full-time for less than three months, and permanent part time for less than 6 months. Eligibility criteria applies. View More…

User Choice

VET in Schools Funding – QLD

Vocational Education and Training in Schools

Strategix Schools offers a range of courses for Secondary School Students through our VET in Schools program to help students as they begin their career pathway. View More…

For Year 13 Students

Subsidised Training for Year 12 Graduates

Queensland Year 12 graduates can study with Strategix and access subsidised training through the Certificate 3 Guarantee. To support Queensland’s year 12 graduates to successfully transition into employment, Strategix offers a range of certificate III level qualifications. View More…

School Based Traineeships

Gain Theory and Practical Experience While Still in School

Strategix delivers school based traineeships. Gain practical experience in the workplace plus the theoretical knowledge to begin your career. Accelerate your opportunities through vocational training. View More…

Smart and Skilled Entitlement – NSW

Subsidised Training for New South Wales Residents

Strategix is an approved Smart and Skilled Provider. Smart and Skilled funding provides eligible students with access to government subsidised training. This subsidy covers up to and including, one post-school certificate level III qualification in priority training areas. View More…

Smart and Skilled Targeted Priorities – NSW

Prevocational and Part Qualifications Program

As part of the Smart and Skilled program, funding is available for targeted industries, priority groups and vocational pathways. This funding is available upon application for programs that are developed in connection with employers and community organisations that lead to a possible job outcome for successful students. View More…

South Australia Funding

Subsidised Training for South Australians

The South Australian Government’s subsidised training program is designed to link training to employment outcomes by funding training that is linked to work placement and real job opportunities across the state. View More…

Skills Ready

Skills Ready – WA

Subsidised Training for Western Australians

The WA government are providing eligible participants with subsidised and fee free training opportunities under the Skills Ready program. There are two programs


Lower Fees Local Skills.